Complaints data
This page provides details about the number of complaints we've received, how quickly we dealt with those complaints and how many we upheld.
This page provides details about the number of complaints we've received, how quickly we dealt with those complaints and how many we upheld.
Tesco Insurance’s goal is to make insurance easier and better value for people who shop at Tesco. We recognise that sometimes things do go wrong and if this happens our aim is to rectify any issues as quickly as we can.
We want customers to tell us about any complaints or concerns they might have, so that we can put matters right. Complaints also provide us with valuable feedback about our products and service, helping us to ensure that we are continually improving the service and experience our customers have with us.
If you would like to know more about how to make a complaint, you can visit our complaints page.
The table below provides details about the number of complaints we have reported, how quickly we dealt with those complaints and how many we upheld (we have created a glossary to help explain what the headings in the table mean).
Firm name: Tesco Personal Finance Ltd
Group name: Tesco Personal Finance Ltd
Period covered in this return: March to August 2024
Product / service grouping |
Provision (for reporting period end date)* |
Intermediation (within the reporting period)* |
Number of complaints opened |
Number of complaints closed |
Volume / % closed within 3 days |
Volume / % closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks |
Volume / % closed after 8 weeks |
Volume / % upheld |
Main cause of complaints opened |
Insurance and pure protection (inc. PPI) |
2.62 per 1,000 policies in force |
N/A |
4,254 |
4,279 |
1,763 / 41% |
2,516 / 59% |
0 / 0% |
1,567 / 37% |
Disputes over sums / charges |
*Number of complaints opened by volume of business
Firm name: Tesco Underwriting Limited
Group name: Tesco Personal Finance Ltd
Period covered in this return: March to August 2024
Product / service grouping |
Provision (for reporting period end date) |
Intermediation (within the reporting period) |
Number of complaints opened |
Number of complaints closed |
Volume / % closed within 3 days |
Volume / % closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks |
Volume / % closed after 8 weeks |
Volume / % upheld |
Main cause of complaints opened |
Insurance and pure protection |
1.4 per 1,000 policies in force |
N/A |
2,415 |
2,777 |
770 / 27% |
1,406 / 51% |
702 / 22% |
1,696 / 61% |
Delays / timescales |
‘Volume / % upheld’ means found in the customer’s favour.
Details of the number of cases referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) can be found from visiting their website below.
Complaint opened: This means when the complaint reached us.
Complaint closed: This means when we have finished looking into the complaint and the customer has told us that they are happy with the outcome; or we have issued a letter giving our final response.
Complaints closed within 8 weeks: We try and handle the majority of complaints within 8 weeks. This is the timescale set by our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority.
Complaints upheld by firm: This means the percentage of complaints that were resolved in the customer's favour.